Select Configuration on Reebyte’s Toolbar, it will display pop up window like an image below.
After you select Mac platform for your build, then save it and begin compiling by pressing Build and pop up window appear to select your build location, you have to choose destination folder. If you use Reebyte Ipad it will compiling immediately.
If you use Reebyte Ipad when it finished your app is stored at Reebyte’s folder on your Ipad. Copy it to your mac to begin the preview. After you already copy your built result to your mac. before you start opening the apps, you can’t just simply because an exception happen when you are trying to open mac apps from itunes to your mac. You can open Terminal and simply copy paste this line “xattr -r -d ” and drag and drop your apps to terminal to get the path of your apps.
After that, you can test your own apps.